Sunday, October 10, 2010

Should Paralegals register with the Bar?

An interesting article in the Examiner, about how the State of New York may soon have Paralegals registering with the New York State Bar. The state of Florida has required for paralegals to be registered with their state bar association, and soon many other states will follow.

Personally, I think this is absolutely brilliant!

There are so many fumbducks out there who have the iq of a fruit fly that are employed as paralegals, legal assistants and even work in BIGLAW firms.

Many of them have had friends or connections hook them up with jobs as paralegals and so they work in law firms, but many don't have an ABA approved paralegal certificate or a Bachelors degree. So many of them are total morons and don't know the difference pleading paper and pleated paper ..

I also get tons of spam e mail to join "Los Scandalous Paralegal Program/Law School....earn your law/paralegal degree from the comfort of your living room. You can do all the courses online and we will mail you a diploma without you stepping foot in a class room". I hate these BS type diploma mills that sell online legal education and other nonsense about getting non ABA approved law/paralegal degrees.

I think of if the ABA required all states to make EVERY paralegal register with their own state bar association and graduate from an ABA approved paralegal program, we wouldn't have half the idiots in the legal profession that we already do (not including law school deans, career service counselors and admissions staff)...

I also think California must do away with the CESSPOOL of CBA approved law schools. If the law school or paralegal program is not approved by the ABA, then it should not exist. In fact, the ABA should pass a law (such an cruel irony), that if any LAW SCHOOL OR PARALEGAL PROGRAM Is in OPERATION IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THEN IT MUST BE ABA APPROVED.

It should be illegal to have these fraudlent diploma mills that prey on young people and are not accredited. If a school is not ABA approved, then it should be shut down immediately or be fined for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This would actually restore some credibility in the legal profession. However, we will still have quite a few crazies in the legal profession, just watch this video..

-The Poor Paralegal

1 comment:

  1. "Many of them have had friends or connections hook them up with jobs as paralegals and so they work in law firms, but many don't have an ABA approved paralegal certificate or a Bachelors degree. So many of them are total morons and don't know the difference pleading paper and pleated paper .."

    I hope you don't think that just because someone has an ABA approved paralegal certificate or a Bachelors degree that that means they aren't a moron. Morever, I have known more than one person with neither of those credentials who were outstanding paralegals; frankly, I think you're showing some academic snobbery which, judging by the quality of writing in this post, you're not entitled to.

    "I think of if the ABA required all states to make EVERY paralegal register with their own state bar association and graduate from an ABA approved paralegal program, we wouldn't have half the idiots in the legal profession that we already do (not including law school deans, career service counselors and admissions staff)..."

    I haven't read all the way through your blog yet, and I think I might have seen an entry later on where you criticize the ABA for their history of accreditation of law schools; I certainly hope you've read some of the law-scam blogs and changed your mind, because considering the job the ABA has done managing law schools, I certainly wouldn't trust them to manage any sort of paralegal certification/licensing.
